What is the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)? Is it just what the doctor ordered? How is it enabling the Medtech industry to reinvent itself and provide more value to health care?
The latest report from the Deloitte Centre for Health Solutions looks at how medtech companies can use the IoMT to transition from innovative product suppliers to insightful partners in health care.
Key findings
• In a survey of 237 respondents working in companies producing connected medical devices, respondents indicated that the percentage of their company’s portfolio of medical devices that are connected is estimated to rise by 20% in the next five years to 68%.
• Respondents were less positive about the industry’s readiness to adopt the IoMT and all it has to offer – 71% of our respondents did not think organisations and clinicians are currently ready to utilise the data connected medical devices can provide.
• Key strategies to scale the adoption of IoMT include collaboration between health care providers and medtech companies, joining the dots between connected medical devices and health care IT systems and applying advanced analytics to provide critical insights and empower better decision making.
The medtech industry’s future will depend on its ability to demonstrate how connected medical devices contribute to the new value-based health paradigm. Continuing to solve the challenges identified in our report and supporting innovation will put the industry at the heart of health care’s transformation and the delivery of high quality and affordable health care.
Read a copy of the report online here.