One of The Ear Foundation’s own team has decided to take on the mammoth challenge of running The London Marathon in support of the charity she works for. Sarah Hoyle has bravely decided to take up the challenge and will be running the world renowned marathon in the capital on 22nd April 2018.

Training has been underway since the end of last year and Sarah has been squeezing in training by going along to 7am spin classes before work, running the scenic route home and planning in long training runs at the weekend.

Sarah tells us:  “Being a runner in the London Marathon is a strange culmination of sheer terror and exhilaration!  However London is always a marathon I had wanted to conquer at some point and as The Ear Foundation had places available it seemed really timely and quite frankly I’d run out of excuses!

“The team at The Ear Foundation work so hard to support people of all ages living with a hearing loss. As a hidden disability the huge impact that hearing loss has on individuals, their families and friends are often overlooked. By taking up this challenge myself I’m hoping I can support the rest of my colleagues in shining a spotlight on the issue of hearing loss whilst also raising some vital funds to help our work continue.”

As a local Nottingham charity, The Ear Foundation have a strong history of supporting individuals and their wider family across the country. Their vision is simple and they are keen that all deaf children, young people and adults have the opportunity to hear, communicate and develop spoken language using the latest technological interventions including hearing aids, cochlear implants, bone conducting hearing implants & assistive devices such as FM Systems.

You can find out more about Sarah’s training by visiting her blog.

If you feel inspired to help, please sponsor Sarah by clicking here.

To find out more about The Ear Foundation, please go to

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