As a prelude to the TRI international conference on Tinnitus being hosted in Nottingham (16-18 March 2016) spend an afternoon interacting with leading academics in tinnitus research and discover what research can do for your business:
- Facilitated networking between academics in various fields from Psychology to Signal Processing Engineers and industry.
- ‘One to one’ opportunities to chat with members of Nottingham University Business Enterprise and Innovation services and the Nottingham University Ingenuity Teamfor advice on grant opportunities, I.P. protection etc.
- Short sandpit event generating ideas and collaboration opportunities helping you meet new people and understand what they do.
- Open to businesses of all scale, micro-start-ups to large corporate enterprises and academics with an interest in tinnitus.
The full programme can be found here. The event is free and registration opens 2nd November 2015 and can be accessed from this link.
INE is supported by TINNET COST ACTION
The view the event website, please click here.