You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting for the Nottingham Molecular Pathology Node (NMPN). Refreshments will be served from 9am, and lunch will be provided following the meeting.
Last year the MRC awarded a £2.5 million grant over 4 years to establish the Nottingham Molecular Pathology Node to develop molecular diagnostic tests which will help deliver better targeted, more effective treatments – known as ‘stratified medicine’ – across a wide range of respiratory, gastro-intestinal and liver diseases.
NMPN integrates informatics, computational modelling and molecular pathology in the development of new diagnostic tools and algorithms.
The AGM will give you an update on the project progress to date. For those who aren’t part of the NMPM it will highlight opportunities for interacting with the node and targeting new funding opportunities through the node.
To find out more or register your free place, please click here.