The Medilink Midlands Business Awards for 2022 would not have been possible without the tremendous support from our sponsors, please take a read of the companies sponsoring this year’s IN-PERSON awards below.

Start Up Award – Sponsored by the Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF)
The Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF) is a dual site research and development facility available to industry and academic institutions to support and accelerate the development of innovative medical technologies.

Export Achievement Award – Sponsored by Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd is an award winning innovator, manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor and supplier of high quality generic & branded medicines, and healthcare products, to the UK and international export markets.

Delivering Innovation in to Health and Care Award, sponsored by the East the West Midlands and East Midlands Academic Health Science Networks (AHSN)
Operating as the innovation arm of the NHS, the Midlands is supported by both the East and West Midlands AHSN’s who work collaboratively to meet the needs of our region. The AHSN’s seek out, test and accelerate the adoption and spread of innovative ideas and technologies with the potential to transform health and social care in the Midlands and beyond. By enabling the healthcare system to take advantage of innovations that can help to save time, money and lives, we are working to bring the Midlands the future of health and social care, today.

Innovation Award – Sponsored by TBAT Innovation Ltd
TBAT Innovation Ltd are a value-led independent consultancy with over 19 years’ experience working with technology & research and development organisations all over the UK to fund their innovation. Their innovation support services include; Grant Funding, R&D Tax Credits, Video Game Tax Relief, Capital Allowances, SEIS/EIS and Patent Box.

Award for Partnership between Academia and Business – ARISE Innovation Hubs – Part of Anglia Ruskin University
Arise Innovation Hubs are part of Anglia Ruskin University, an innovative global university named one of the top 40 universities in the UK. Arise supports innovation in the East of England with hubs in Chelmsford and Harlow specialising in the areas of health, performancem and wellbeing. They are creating a community and environment for innovation.

Outstanding Achievement Award – Sponsored by Mills & Reeve
Mills & Reeve is a full-service law firm advising global organisations, small and mid-sized companies, universities, research institutes, charities and government organisations. Our specialist and multi-disciplinary team of lawyers are dedicated to the life sciences sector with expertise across pharma and biotech, medical devices, diagnostics, digital health and specialist service provision.